Argentina Bahia Blanca Mission

Monday, October 6, 2014

Hey everyone!

Things sound like they are doing great up there! i too think that conference was awesome and i loved that member of the seventy from Ukraine that dropped some principles and spoke very strongly! it is what we need to hear sometimes!! it was an awesome conference!!

this week was a pretty good week for us, even though we didnt get to work in our area a lot! we had alot of lidership conferences and things like that, and i was worried that we might not be able to get that many people to come to church, but the lord sure humbled me! haha through alot of really hard work and blessings we were able to bring 10 people to church and 2 or 3 are going to get baptized this next week! it was a great blessing from the lord! i have finally found the price of successful missionary work! it is sacrifice! it is also the price for salvation, and that is exactly what the lord has done for us! to be succesful missionary, you have to be a missionary of sacrifice! and it was awesome to see how the lord kept ( and always keeps) his promeses this week!

My comp and i are doing good and get along really well! poor guy doesnt speak any spanish, but has a good heart and a will to serve and sacrifice! Dad asked if i have any crazy stories and the turth is it has been pretty calm here the last couple of weeks! oh well we did go visit one of our investigators this week and when we showed up he was really drunk! i didnt want to stay long, but he just kept talking and yelling at us about how we recieve alot of money from the government. it probably didnt help that i was really sarcastic with him. hahahaha i always am! well he stood up like he was going to hit me, but fell down and hit his head!!!! hahaha so we helped him up, told him we loved him, and left! now he is progressing quite well, but still drinks! ill let you know how it goes! well ive got to go, but i love you all and wish the best for all!! love you so much and i can feel your prayers!

Love elder taysom

ps the last pic is of my 2 dads!

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