Things sound like they are going good! Tan has an I-phone now? well good for him he can send me emails from his phone now! haha i loved the photos of pioneer day, you all look so tan and warm. You need to send some heat my way! i think i could use it! haha it is pretty cold here at night, but the sleeping bag i have is keeping me warm just fine and some times im even hot at night!
This week was good and we had 2 investigators at chruch yesterday! i was good, but we were hoping for mas! i really like the idea of dad and the power of prayer! it is a great idea! prayer is a powerful tool, and when we are obiedient, he will bless us! There is a chapter in PMG that talks about it! chapter 4 is the section and that would be some great advise if you could pass it on to kason and cam! sometime the mission is tough, but like it say´s in ether 12:6 that we will recive a testimony and blessings only after the trail of our faith! im way excited for this up comming week because we are doing super-devisiones! i will be serving in a city called Tandil with a new elder for all of this week! it will be a great opportunidad for my greenie to get a chance to teach with someone else and kind of take the lead! i think we will have some real success this next week!
Well life is good here! We are just working hard and learning more and more every day! if you guys want to learn more about the bible and how the church started, you should study and try to teach Jehovahs witnesses! you can learn alot trying to study to teach them! haha but we are doing good and thanks for all your love and prayers! we can feel them!
Elder Taysom